tenor - stage director

david macadam

registration for the 2019 fall term of my teaching studio is under way! please click the menu link above for more info.

"We are a new creative studuio. veritatis, eosquiso uam asperi oresipsum itaque dignissimos reprehen derit. non quos ratione ipsa facilisis."

Provident saepe deserunt, accusamus quiatetur, mollitia fugit sedar itectoia samus one ipsa facilisis eot.

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the studio

"David MacAdam...is both singer and performance artist. He has a lean, rangy, aesthetically handsome look that goes well with the Schubertian theme of wandering. As he sang the songs of a young man, he appeared to turn into one. His eyes grew dreamy and his voice took on a naive sweetness, particularly in the “does she love me?” song, “Der Neugierige.” He could switch dramatic gears, too, as he quoted the words of the miller’s daughter, or the miller himself."

Buffalo News, Review: Die schöne Müllerin

Bio & Repertoire


performances & Engagements


Nov. 17/18: A Tribute to Montserrat Caballé

Artists including Stephanie Piercey Beames, Nadia Petrella, Alain Paquette, David MacAdam & Joseph Song Chi presnt arias from some of Caballé's greatest successes. Timothy Piper, pianist. 4:30 pm.

Nov. 25/18: Soirée de mélodie françaises

An evening of French mélodie featuring works of Duparc, Berlioz, Hahn & Sait-Saëns. With collaborative pianist Joanne Moorcroft, at Ottawa Pianos, 1412 Bank St., Ottawa, ON. Seating is limited to 45 patrons. 7:30 pm.

Dec. 1/18: Mozart Vesprae sollenes de Confessore

Soloist with the Carleton University Choir. Glebe St. James United Church. Address: 650 Lyon Street South, Ottawa, ON. 7:30 pm. Tickets available online & at the door.

Jan. 6/19: Amahl and the Night Visitors

David will be directing this production at the Historic Uniquely St. Mark's in the Bowery, NYC. Featuring a wonderful cast of artists in Menotti's holiday classic..

Feb.2/19: Turandot

David will be directing this semi-staged production of the Puccini masterpiece, as well as singing the role of The Emperor. Trinity Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON.

May 2-5/19: Guest Artist with John Jay Singers

David will be one of two guest soloists performing with the John Jay Singers from John Jay College in NYC, on their three-city Spring Tour of Upstate NY.

March 2/19: Carleton University Faculty Concert

With Carleton Music Winter Term Resident Artist & internationally renowned Wagnerian soprano Heidi Melton & others. Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, Ottawa ON. 7:30 pm.

May 11/19: Mozart Requiem

Tenor soloist with the Canadian Centennial Choir under the baton of Marg Stubington. Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, Ottawa ON. 7:30 pm.

More Info Here

Additional Events - details TBA:

Musical Theatre Concert, Summer 2019

Schubert: Die schône Müllerin, September 2019

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Phone: (613) 276-5367
6889 Notre Dame
Orléans, ON K1C 1H6, Canada